Partnerships & Projects
The 2021 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (2021 PIRLS) results revealed that the majority (81%) of Grade 4 learners in South Africa cannot do mathematics or read with understanding, mainly due to over-populated classes and an underperforming education standard in many SA schools.
For this very reason, Missio Dei Education NPC (MD Edu) focuses on assisting many underperforming schools with additional remedial programmes for grade 3 learners by:
- Providing a strong foundation in Mathematics and English literacy based on the CAPS curriculum
- Providing individual attention to learners and assist them holistically.
- Equipping suitable community members as Remedial tutors in Mathematics and English literacy and thus also providing skills and entrepreneurship opportunities.
More than 1 500 Grade 3’s are currently impacted by these efforts in 24 schools situated in Eastern Free State, Gauteng, Northern Province, Western – and Northern Cape. MD Edu aims to add 6 more schools in 2025.
Statistics underscore the long term negative effects of malnutrition espesially with young children. Enhanced nutrition programs and interventions to support vulnerable populations, particularly children, are of utmost importance for SA.
KSM Manna Sonder Mure (MSM) was iniated 16 years ago to alleviate hunger by providing children within our reach with nutritious meals. The increasing need led us to research different ways in food provisioning to reach more schools and organisations with affordable and nurtrious feeding programs. MSM, in co-operation with other parners, developed a well balanced dry ration food parcel that we can pack and distribute at a very low cost. This is being distribute alongside fresh produce and non perishable food items.
MSM played a pivital role in disaster relief operations during the floods in Mozambique, Kwazulu Natal and Jagersfontein, as well as the riots in KZN, drought relief in Northen Cape, and the Covid pandemic.
MSM currently packs and distribute more than 300 000 meals per annum, and distributes more than 1o tons of fresh produce, non perishable food and drinks. MSM focusses on the greater Centurion and Pretoria areas, and aims to increase the dry ration meals to 400 000 per annum.
According to research, effective parenting programs provide crucial support for vulnerable families, helping them to develop better parenting skills and create a more nurturing and stable home environment. This support is particularly important for families living in poverty or facing other significant challenges.
Many children also struggle at school as a result of the lack of much-needed social support from their parents.
Missio Dei Healthy Parenting (MD HP) endeavours to equip parents with skills to become healthy adults in order to create positive parent-child relationships, in all communities irrespective of race or belief. This will be achieved by trained auxiliary social workers to:
- Assist parents in support groups by equipping them with wellness skills to extent their support to their children;
- Intervene and assist children and their families with social support and therapy where needed, and
- Monitor the progress and success of parents and children in this process.
A partnership between SUS and MD Healthy Parenting will provide this valuable service to 180 children and their families in Olievenhoutbosch, with the vision to expand the service to 420 children in 2025 adding Thembisa and Pretoria West.

In collaboration with the Department of Social Development, the CSC is passionate to make a difference in the lives of abused and neglected children in need of security in South Africa. Much needed preventative work and poverty alleviation programmes serve to compliment other services to ensure a better life for those children who are struggling in difficult circumstances.
After assessment, families are strengthened through the implementation of an appropriate treatment plan focussing on their strengths. Persons addicted to substances such as alcohol and drugs, are referred to specialist organisations and rehabilitation centres.
Foster- and adoptive parents, and places of safety, are recruited and screened where children can be placed and nurtured with loving care and attention in accordance with the Children Act and Regulation.
CSC Gauteng East operates in the East of Pretoria, Bronkhorstpruit,
Cullinan, and Midrand and look after abused children via social workers
Judea Hope provides day care facilities to vulnerable children up to the age of six years where their parents cannot afford formal pre-schools facilities. The day care is in the form of pre-school facilities and education, food and stimulation by trained auxiliary day care teachers. The ultimate goal is to provide development, care and protection to children, thus enabling them to grow and develop to their full potential, and create work opportunities to auxiliary care takers in less fortunate areas.
Alongside hundreds of informal Judea Hope day care centres across SA, 45 formal Day Care Centres, accommodating 2700 children, have been build, equipped and staffed with trained auxiliary care takers. They are being monitored on a continuous basis via a sustainable program. Judea Hope aims to increase the number of formal day care centres to 60.
TOIBO (Transoranje Institute for Special Education)
More than 500,000 children in SA with disabilities are not receiving any education, while many who are enrolled face severe challenges. The South African educational system has not fully implemented inclusive education policies, leading to widespread exclusion and discrimination. The lack of adequate educational facilities forces many children to stay at home or attend under-resourced special schools, impacting their academic and social development. Families facing financial financial constraints cannot offer their children the proper education and support.
TOIBO is supporting the following schools:
- Transoranje School for the Deaf.
- Prinshof School for the Visually Impaired.
- Sonitus School for the Hearing Impaired.
- Transvalia School for Epilepsy and Learning Disabilities.
- Martie du Plessis High School for the Cerebral Palsied.

The shortage of education facilities for children with special educational needs in underprivelaged areas in South Africa is a significant issue, affecting their access to quality and inclusive education.
Olievenhoutbosch Disability organisation looks after 17 severely disabled children and 180 children with normal education. The centre caters for children from the early age of 6 months up to grade 3 level. The physically disabled children join the classes of grade RR to grade 3
Embracing a holistic approach, the vision of Cansa is to assist cancer patients and their families with physical, spiritual and psychological support. Childhood cancer support for patients/parents/loved ones take place through counselling cessions in person and various digital communication mediums. Food parcels and care packs are provided where necessary. The access and provision of prostheses, ports and broviacs minimise trauma when treatment is administered.
Other services like palliative care management, terminal counselling, bereavement management and educational support to paediatric patients and creative activities / play therapy, is part of the holistic service approach.
In addition 600 needy children with cancer and their families are provided with accommodation at Nicus Lodge (at Steve Biko Hospital), meals and clothes where needed tohether with skill classes for mothers of children with cancer.

Child abuse and neglect is a reality in SA and many children are removed from their homes. Foster care placements are essential to ensure these children are placed in safe and nurturing environments where they can recover and thrive.
Due to the fact that they may be traumatised as result of abuse, molestation and neglect, Mon Care provides security, stability and a safe haven where an inter-disciplinary team can assist with whatever specialized therapy may be necessary for development and healing.
Mon Care in Monumentpark is currently a home to 6 healthy, happy children, 3 being in the local Primary School and the others in High School.
Loneliness and social isolation are significant issues among the elderly in SA. Old Age Homes like Rusoord in Centurion offers opportunities for social interaction and community engagement.
This can significantly improve mental health and overall well-being of the aged and vulnerable.
As a non-profit home for the elderly, Rusoord provides 24-hour care services to 200 self-sufficient and frail elderly people. Their primary focus is affordable residence and effective service where the elderly can experience security, care, recreational activities, and volunteer services.
South Africa has an increasing elderly population, leading to a higher demand for specialized care facilities for poor and needy elders. Old age homes provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals who may not have family members capable of providing the necessary care.
Centurion Council for the Aged fulfills a very important role in the greater Centurion community, where older people that experience economic, psyco-social and age-related challenges, are being cared for through active aging activities, social welfare services and home based care. Addressing issues like nutrition and age related topics like Altsheimers and Dementia. This essential service to the elderly also reach communities as far as Laudium and Olievenhoutbosch, making annually a difference in the lives of no less than 800 people.
ONS HUIS TRUST (Facility for Mentally Challenged Adults)
Ons Huis is a creative centre and residential care facility for mentally challenged adults. These mentally handicapped adults are socially and mentally not fit for employment in the private sector, due to mental disabilities resulting from conditions such as Down Syndrome, accidents, etc.
Well-trained staff assists the residents who are care dependent with a supportive environment. Individuals capable of performing only simple household tasks under supervision, or being able to do minor tasks with help and guidance, are also attended to.

The need for social care, counselling services and therapy is growing at an unparalled pace, also in and around Centurion.
At KSM’s Network for Life Centre, a social welfare service is rendered by a multi disciplinary team of counsellers, social workers, phychologists and occupational therapists. Via the provision of vital resources in emergency and crisis situations, their assistance and support is available for members of the greater Centurion area, and even from time to time to other extended areas.
A service is also rendered in support for unemployed people inbetween jobs, by means of skills training, information sessions, personal empowerment and job appointments.
Several studies highlighted the significant portion of homeless youth that have been rejected/abandoned by their families. Without a stable home, they are at risk of exploitation, substance abuse and mental health issues. Another concern is that children in the foster care system that reaches the age of 18, are no longer supported by the South African Department of Social Services.
Echo Youth Development accommodates high school learners where they can complete their school education and get the necessary love, nutrition, support and therapy, to become well-adjusted adults. Echo also provides very affordable housing communes for young destitute adults that are studying or are employed with a minimal basic salary. Counselling and other therapy are also at the disposal of the 50 young people that are cared for.

In the first quarter of 2023 the overall youth unemployment rate was 64%, which remains a serious concern. This devastating figure highlights the need for targeted interventions and programmes to address the skills gap, create job opportunities and entrepreneurship training.
Basileia Skills Centre is strategically positioned in close vacinity of a few informal settlements in Mnandi, Centurion, thus giving easy access to youth from these areas to enroll for a 10 week entrepreneural and skills development programme.
The programme addresses the immediate need of basic vocational skills. The local communities are impacted through:
- Encouraging businesses who support this endeavour of aspiring entrepreneurs
- Establishing Kingdom based leadership, -networks and-Business Platforms
- Transferring of skills like vegetable- and fish production, as well as basic vocational skills in building, construction, electricity, plumbing, steelwork, etc
- Encouraging self-sustaining healthy families.
A lecture room, workshop and full accommodation for 114 students, including 20 vegetable tunnels with irrigation systems and a dam equipped for breeding Telapia fish was developed frrom this partnership. This facility already benefitted 50 students and is working towards expanding it to 100 students per annum. 30 young entrepreneurs are currently enrolled in The Streetbiz Entrepreneurs program underwritten by Open University.

PEN YOUTH (Participate Envision Navigate)
More than 19 million youth, aged 5 to 35 years, live in South Africa, making up nearly 30% of the country’s population. National unemployment rates, for youth aged 15 to 24 years, escalated to 55%
Inner city children of Pretoria are amongst the most vulnerable groups of society. PEN’s vision is to restore dignity through care and community. The work of PEN varies from Early Childhood Development, Youth and Aftercare programmes, assisting vulnerable and homeless adults, skills development working towards self-sustainbility through business ventures, and helping people in times of crises with food parcels and basic essentials,
PEN works alongside local schools and other entities with mentorship groups, computer centres, reading clubs, arts and other outreach initiatives and empowers and equips children, youth and adults through responsible stewardship, to enhance their quality of life. More than 1000 youth were impacted through these programmes per annum for the last 4 years.
Disaster Relief
The world no longer suffers from various natural and man-made disasters. Disasters cause short, medium and long-term humanitarian distress, especially in poor communities. SA is no exception, and is particularly exposed because governments and formal structures are simply insufficient to provide humanitarian aid with such disasters.
KSM and its partners focus on humanitarian and essential aid and assistance to disaster victims, and specifically with food aid, clothing, blankets and baby products. This assistance starts as soon as the disaster area is accessible and can last for up to 4 months. People from all communities, regardless of race, creed or culture are supported.
Food, clothes, blankets, baby care products and other humanitarian aid are mainly collected and purchased in Centurion, packaged and then distributed to the disaster area. Where necessary, certain products can be procured locally by the disaster management teams.
Partnerships with other disaster relief organizations, NPOs, logistics partners and churches are used to ensure that all the aid that KSM offers is timely and reaches the right disaster victims.
Since 2019, KSM has already been involved in drought relief in the Northern and Eastern Cape, the Covid pandemic, floods in Mozambique and flooding and riots in KZN. More than R 3 M has already been spent by KSM on humanitarian assistance.